Sunday, February 6, 2011

10 Tips for Backpacking to Brazil

1          Wear thongs in the shower for 2 reasons. (a) Don’t know how clean they are. (b) To    provide hot water an attachment is fitted to the showerhead and plugged into a power the shower.   

2       Brush up on your Portuguese and take a phrase book with you, Spanish doesn’t help that much.

3       As in many places, carry your bag on your front in public areas.

4       Try to blend in. The stares will be considerably less.

5         Do some research on the area of Brazil you wish to travel to.  You must keep in mind that North of Brazil is considerably poorer than the South so any foreigner will look like a jackpot. Don't flash your cameras about and leave your hostel with just enough money for the day. 

6        Peak season is December – March. If you are backpacking ensure you factor this in as it is almost impossible to do Brazil on $20 a day. Everything in Brazil is expensive. Even trying to eat cheaply as you would at home is difficult. A can of tuna $5 and baked beans $10.

7       If heading to the North East coast Fortaleza is a good base, but the city itself is a ghetto hidden behind high rise hotels that line the beach.

8       Local bus service is pretty straight forward and cheap ($2) just beware of tiny turn styles if you are carrying a backpack. Long haul coach services are very efficient and comfier than planes. Just remember to take a blanket or your thickest hoodie as they tend to turn the A/C notch to freezing!

9       One odd thing to keep in mind, when boarding a boat or bus and you purchase a ticket...keep the ticket as you have to give it back when you get off...strange really.

10   Average prices for a few things. Hostels $20-$30. McDonalds $9. Postage for a     postcard $2. Bottle of water 1.5 litre $3. Marlboro Lights $7.


1 comment:

  1. Staying at a hostel is economical but you will meet a lot of interesting people and it can be a memorable experience.

    Palermo Hostel
